The Three Basic Steps in Marketing

The Three Basic Steps in Marketing

The Three Basic Steps in Marketing

Again, the purpose of marketing is to become more visible.

What what we're doing here is telling your story and we're telling your story to people who might be interested in your story, and the outcome you want, from this purpose of becoming more visible, is that you want to get prospects and leads. And that's the purpose of marketing and the outcome of marketing for almost everybody that's listening to my broadcast today. Some big companies have a more general approach and they talk about their brand and they of course want leads as well, but they probably aren't doing specific marketing to get a few leads. They're doing marketing to improve their brand, which leads them to getting more leads.

So there are three basic steps when you start marketing and you need to do all three of these before you do anything else for marketing. And if you don't do these three things, you will just find that your marketing is not as effective. If you do these three things, everything you do after that, when you market, will become much more powerful. So I'm going to go through those three things slowly.

Three Basic Steps to Marketing

#1 Identify your key messages

The very first thing you do when you approach marketing for your business is you find your key messages. I find that the people that have done the key messages seem to be successful with marketing, and the people that don't do the key messages are not successful with marketing. It's so important that I've decided to do a webinar on key messages, and so I'm going to hold it in a few weeks. So I'm going to hold it - helped me out Ren - Wednesday, May 9th at 3:00 PM, is going to be a, the Webinar that is 3:00 PM Pacific time. 

It'll be a 90 minute webinar and I will take you through a step by step approach to building your key messages. When you are done with the webinar, you will either have your key messages or you will be close to your key messages. You will have the tools you'll need to get your key messages. I'm going to limit the webinars to 12 people so that everybody in the Webinar has a chance to get at least a little bit of one-on-one attention from me. If this webinar proves popular. I can repeat it over and over and over again. I like doing them. So I will do them over and over again. So step number one, when you market is to identify your key messages. Don't do anything else in marketing until you've got this one piece done.

#2 Put Your Key Messages In Front of People

Step number two is put your key messages where people can see them. Your key messages don't do you any good unless somebody can see them. So let's start with the very basic things that you know people will go to so they can see your key messages. And there's two that I think are true for every single business. So here we go.

Those two are number one, your website. You need a good website and your good, your website needs to have your key messages on it. And I don't mean that you have to spend thousands or tens of thousands of dollars. A key message can be simple and your website can be simple. It can be a website that you make on your own. What makes key messages work and what makes them powerful is that they stand out. So if that's all that's on your website is your key message, then people, when they come to your website, will see it. You want to be broadcasting this, this key message over and over and over again. And the website is the number one place where you would put your key message.

The second place where you would put your key message, no matter what kind of business you're in, is something printed that you can hand to people. This can be at least a business card, so the business card could have one key message on it besides your name and your contact information, but also it could be some kind of handout. A  postcard size handout, or an eight-and-a-half by 11 flyer. You hand out to people that tells people what your product is, and on it you can have your key messages. So those are the two things that I would like to see you, two places where I would like to see you put your key message right in the very beginning. That's true for every business. There are particular ways to put your key messages for particular businesses, but I'm not talking about one specific business now, I'm talking about just businesses in general.

#3 Tell Everyone You Know

And then the third thing that you do, and that's the basics of marketing, is you tell everyone you know. So this is all your friends. This is all your family. This is everyone in your contact list in your phone and everyone in your contact list, in your computer for email. You tell everyone you know that you have these key messages and you can see them on your website and you have this brochure. And I would say put this brochure or your business card in the hand of every single person you know. So if you do those three things, you will be way ahead of where you were when you started or before you did these three things.

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